Privacy Policy

Welcome to Right Start Business Management EST. ("we," "our," or "us"). This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose, and protect information obtained through our website and services.

The information we collect.
We collect personal information from individuals with whom we interact in the course of providing our services, working with suppliers and as part of other business activities. We also collect personal information that individuals choose to provide to us, including through our websites ("Sites") or social media channels. In most cases, we collect personal information from the person to whom this information relates. We may collect personal information about an individual from a customer or supplier in order to maintain a business relationship with that party. We may also collect personal information from a third party, such as an event partner.
To the extent that you provide us with personal information from individuals, you undertake to: (i) provide appropriate notification to the relevant persons regarding our processing of their personal information; (ii) obtain any necessary explicit written consent (based on the notification provided), (iii) provide individuals with an applicable choice regarding processing their personal information; and (iv) to provide individuals with the opportunity to exercise their rights as a data subject in relation to the processing of their personal information. You will notify us of any changes or revocation of an individual's permission to process their personal information, as well as notify individuals of any changes to this Privacy Policy.
The main types of personal information we collect:
  • Contact information (such as name, mailing address, phone number, and email address) related to business contacts.
  • Other personal information contained in content provided by individuals (including through surveys).
  • Personal information that a customer or supplier provides to us for use in providing certain services.
In practice, we will not collect any special categories of personal data concerning you. If we need to process such personal data, we will receive your prior explicit written consent. "Special categories of personal data" include, but are not limited to, personal information relating to racial or ethnic origin, community origin, political views or views, religious or philosophical beliefs, criminal record and health status, as well as genetic data and biometric data, if they are used for the purpose of unambiguously identifying an individual.

Information that we collect by automated means
When a person ("user") visits our Site, we may collect certain information by automatic means using technologies such as cookies, web server logs, web beacons and JavaScript. Our sites are not designed to respond to browser "do not track" signals. We knowingly do not allow other parties to collect personal information about our visitors' online activities over time and on third-party websites when visitors use our Sites.

Cookies are files that websites send to the user's computer or other device connected to the Internet in order to uniquely identify the user's browser or store information or settings on the user's device. Our sites may use cookies (for example, HTTP and HTML5 cookies) and Flash cookies, as well as other types of local storage (for example, browser-based or plug-in local storage). The user's browser can tell them how to receive notifications when the user receives certain types of cookies and how to limit or disable certain cookies. The user may also have the option to delete Flash cookies or adjust Flash cookie settings by visiting the Storage settings panel of the Adobe Flash website and the Global Storage Settings panel. However, please note that without cookies, the user will not be able to use all the functions of our Sites.

In combination with the collection of information using cookies, our web servers may register information such as the user's device type, operating system type, browser type, domain and other system settings, as well as the language used by the user's system, as well as the country and time. the zone,

in which the device is located. The logs of the web server may also contain information such as the address of the web page from which the user accessed our Sites and the IP address of the device used to connect to the Internet. They can also log information about the user's interaction with Sites, such as which pages the user visits. To control which web servers automatically collect information, we may place tags on our web pages called "web beacons", which are small files that link web pages to certain web servers and their cookies. We may also send instructions to the user's device using JavaScript or other computer languages to collect the information described above and other details about the user's interaction with the Sites.

We may use third-party web analytics services on our Sites, such as Google Analytics. These service providers help us analyze how users use the Sites. Information collected for this purpose (including IP address and other information collected by automated means) will be disclosed or collected directly by these service providers.
Providers of other third-party plugins on our Sites, such as social sharing tools, may use automated tools to collect information about the user's use of the Sites and the user's interaction with the plugins. This information is governed by the privacy policy or notices of plug-in providers and is not subject to this Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for the information practices of these suppliers.

How we use the information we collect
We use the personal information that we have collected for the following purposes:
- to conduct our business and satisfy our legitimate business interests, including:
  • Keep in touch with our customers, suppliers and other business contacts.
  • Communicate with people and manage their participation in special events, programs, offers, surveys, marketing and advertising services, as well as market research.
  • Perform data analysis (including anonymization and aggregation of personal information) on the use of our Websites and social media accounts.
  • Respond to queries and other messages
  • Manage, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services; improving and improving our products, services, websites and mobile applications; managing our communications; analyzing our products and services; and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions)
  • Protect, identify and prevent fraud and other illegal activities, claims and other obligations.
- for information collected through automated means: (i) personalize user visits to our Sites, (ii) provide content tailored to user interests and the way users view our Sites, and (iii) manage our Sites and other aspects of our business;
- for other purposes in agreement with the affected persons;
- to execute, enforce and administer any agreement that we have entered into; and
- to fulfill our legal obligations or to ensure that our legal rights are respected and for the purposes permitted by law.
Right Start Business Management will not take into account information about the applicant's ethnicity, race or gender. This personal information represents special categories of personal data (as defined above). Any such information that we collect will only be used for reporting and compliance purposes, and we will either receive your explicit written consent at the time of collecting personal information, or notify you on what basis we lawfully process such personal information. information.

Marketing practices
We may inform an individual about our products, services, publications, seminars or other events or activities that we believe may be of interest. If required by law, we will obtain the consent of the person before sending them these messages. If a person no longer wishes to receive these messages, they can unsubscribe by following the instructions in the message or the contact information at the end of this document.

The information we share
We do not sell or otherwise disclose the personal information we collect to third parties without explicit consent, except as required by law. We guarantee that card data is not stored, as Confidentiality complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS), as well as any Network Rules requirements.

Your rights and choices
We offer individuals a certain choice regarding the personal information we collect about them. To update your preferences, ask us to remove your information from our mailing lists or send a request, contact us. To the extent permitted by law, you can request access to the personal information about you that we store, or ask us to correct, correct, erase, delete, block or move the information by contacting us. You can also contact us to revoke any previously given consent to our processing of your personal information or to object legally to the processing of your personal information. We will also ensure that you are not discriminated against in exercising any of the rights described in this Privacy Policy.
If there is no legal reason not to do so, we will apply your preferences in the future.
To find out how to contact us, see the "How to contact us" section at the end of this document.

The right to complain
Personal data subjects who believe that their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests have been violated during the processing of personal data have the right to file a complaint with the Council of Ministers of the United Arab Emirates for the Protection of Personal Data on the processing of personal data.

How we protect personal information
We maintain administrative, technical and physical security measures designed to protect personal information from accidental, illegal or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. We also take precautions to delete or depersonalize personal information that is no longer required by law. We store your personal information for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which we collect personal information (see "How we use the information we collect"), except where otherwise required by law.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or would like to file a complaint about how we handle your personal information, you can contact us as indicated below in the "How to contact Us" section. We will try to resolve your issue promptly. You may also have the right to file a complaint with the personal data protection authority in your country.

Updates to our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically without prior notice to reflect changes in our privacy practices. We will post a prominent notice on our Sites to notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Policy, and indicate at the top of the notice when it was last updated.

How to contact us
Please contact us by email You can also write to us at the address below:

FAO: Legal Department.
The Burlington Tower 2415,
Dubai, UAE
P.O. BOX- 73055